System Requirements: Mac

Macintosh computer with Intel processor and macOS 10.10.5 or higher. An internet connection is required.

System Requirements: Windows

Computer with 2.0 ghz. processor and Windows 7 SP1 or newer (including Windows 8 and 10). An internet connection is required.

New Features in Version 3.1

  • Fishbeam News: The Windows version now shows the news in the correct size.
  • Data Tape now supports the Dark Mode of macOS.
  • Added badge to the upgrade icon.
  • Added new dialog boxes for adverting Data Tape Pro.
  • "Window" menu added.
  • Added release notes.
  • Connections to Fishbeam via https:// (news, updates, etc.) now use current libraries.
  • Fishbeam News: The news can now be displayed in full screen mode.
  • The main window now remembers the current dimensions and restores them after a restart.
  • The verification of registration codes has been improved.
  • The Mac version of Data Tape now requires at least macOS 10.10.5.

New Features in Version 3.0

  • Data Tape 3 is free in the basic version.
  • Paid upgrade to Data Tape Pro with advanced features.
  • There is now also a version for Windows.
  • New layout and retina graphics on high-resolution screens.
  • Data Tape is now a 64-bit instead of 32-bit app and works with larger data.
  • All connections to the Fishbeam Server (error submission, news, update search, links to are now encrypted with "https".
  • Data Tape does the ".zip" compression before splitting itself now and no longer uses the subssystem of macOS for this.
  • ".zip" archives can be password protected.
  • Data Tape can now automatically unpack ".zip" archives and does no longer forward this task to third-party apps.
  • Data Tape can now compress files without breaking them up into segments.
  • Files can be unpacked without being segments.
  • The Mac version is a Cocoa app instead of Carbon app for better integration with macOS.
  • Renaming: Data Tape is no longer called Data Glue.

In addition there are improvements at almost all other parts. Data Tape 3 is completely revised and redesigned.

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