Recycling via The Dual System

It is important for us that our packaging can be recycled as completely as possible. Since 2019 we participate in the dual system of Veolia Umweltservice GmbH. As an important contribution to environmental protection, this ensures that our packaging is recycled. To do this, simply return your cardboard packaging to your respective waste paper collection point or use the recycle bin provided by your local authority.


& Recycling


The protection of our environment is an important matter of concern for Fishbeam Software. By this we mean to use resources as gently as possible. We avoid waste wherever possible, so that it does not even arise and pollute our environment. In addition, we consistently focus on recycling.


We Use Green Electricity

Our office, which also includes computers for software development and support, uses 100% renewable electricity. The servers for the Fishbeam Cloud are in a data center that also uses 100% renewable electricity, mostly hydropower in Scandinavian hydroelectric power plants.

We Avoid Plastic Packaging

As a company, it is important for us to avoid unnecessary packaging waste. Therefore, we pack only where it is really necessary. For example our printed manuals come without additional plastic wrapping. For shipping, we also use only environmentally friendly packaging made of cardboard and paper, which can be 100% recycled.

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