Features von Fishbeam Mountain Clips

  • More than 350 alpine stock photos in high quality.
  • Fishbeam Mountain Clips are delivered with a handy app that displays all available clips. From there you can easily export the clips to other apps with drag and drop or save the clips on your hard disk.
  • Find clips with the built-in keyword live search that also recognizes associations.
  • All clips are royalty-free for non commercial and commercial projects and provided as .jpg files.
  • The clips are perfect for designing your web sites, e-mails, greeting cards, letters and other printings.
  • The clips library fits perfectly with Goldfish and is accessible through the Goldfish user interface.
  • Fishbeam Mountain Clips are an excellent value for the money. They're much more affordable than images from a conventional stock photo agency.
  • Full-screen slideshow mode with music, allowing you to explore the clips in detail, or just get inspiration for your projects.

The Fishbeam Mountain clip collection is intended for projects with nature theme. The clips library fits perfectly with Goldfish and is accessible through the Goldfish user interface. Sit back and enjoy all the beatutiful pictures of the Alps in our built-in slideshow mode with music. The pictures were taken in the Alps at locations in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy.

The Fishbeam Mountain Clips package comes with a handy clip manager app.
Enjoy the pictures in a slideshow with music.
Simply drag some clips into your documents to make them appealing.
The clip collection contains various mountain images from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy.
The Fishbeam Mountain Clips come with a handy search feature.
You will find the right image for every mountain fan here.
Fishbeam Basic Clips are also great in dark mode on macOS.

The Fishbeam Mountain Clips library contains more than 250 royalty free stock photos of mountain landscapes and animals in high quality. Perfect as a nature background for your website or for printings and projects with a nature, tourist or outdoor theme. Or just for all fans of the Alps.

Purchase: $ 22.99

Beautiful nature:


Mountain Clips

Purchase from Fishbeam
Download on the Mac App Store

Settle back

and enjoy the clips

in a slide show.

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